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AS Kalceks is one of the oldest pharmaceutical companies in the Baltic States, specializing in the production of generic medicines primarily for the hospital segment. Over the years, the company has developed key therapeutic groups such as anesthetics and analgesics, musculoskeletal drugs, central nervous system medications, and cardiovascular drugs.
The core activities of AS Kalceks include the development, registration, manufacturing, and distribution of pharmaceuticals, all in compliance with legal requirements and guidelines.
AS Kalceks’ goal is to ensure the availability of high-quality specialized pharmaceutical products and maintain competitiveness across all markets through continuous development and enhancement of their entire portfolio.
Growth and sustainability are integral parts of the company’s strategy, which is guided by fundamental values such as efficiency, reliability, flexibility, and open communication.
The company’s product portfolio meets the highest quality standards and contributes to improving lives, ensuring that neither their development and manufacturing nor disposal harm human health or the environment.

Research and development of pharmaceuticals

The development of pharmaceuticals is a complex and time-consuming process that adheres to strict regulations. The primary focus is on the safety and effectiveness of the products. AS Kalceks annually develops 10-12 new products, ensuring the company’s steady growth. Currently, the hospital segment is expanding to include antibiotic and anti-infective medical products, as well as oncology drugs.

Pharmaceuticals production

The products of AS Kalceks are secured through contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs), primarily in Europe. The manufacturing of pharmaceutical products adheres to strict quality requirements. The quality management system is based on GMP standards, ISO certification, and the guidelines of the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH).
Both internal experts and qualified external staff regularly conduct risk-based audits to review compliance with legal requirements and relevant manufacturing standards. In addition to internal quality assurance mechanisms, all facilities are regularly inspected by the health authorities of the respective countries to ensure compliance with various international requirements and certifications, such as GMP certificates or special manufacturing permits.


Kalceks has built a stable global supply network, with each supplier carefully assessed to ensure compliance with guidelines and requirements. Supplier relationship management and operations within our value chain are key to maintaining the sustainability, quality, and safety of our medicines, ensuring uninterrupted supply and patient safety.
To guarantee continuity of products, alternative manufacturing sites for pharmaceutical ingredients and final products have been approved. The company expects its suppliers to adhere to sustainability principles and deliver accordingly. This approach helps improve the sustainability of our supply chain. For transportation and storage, procedures are in place to ensure that materials are handled, transported, and stored in compliance with relevant regulations, with the selection of appropriate logistics partners and storage suppliers.
Product distribution focuses on B2B activities. Pharmaceutical wholesalers are typically direct partners of Kalceks. The company strives to provide medical information accurately, fairly, and balanced through appropriate distribution channels, in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines and requirements.

Documents Sustainability of Kalceks

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